Oh, here, my death is approaching!

Oh, here, my death is approaching!

It crawls completely unnoticed,

Kinda like a snake,

Only a rustle and a bell will show you

 that death is not static.

"Please pay here!"


Self-translated 02/01/2021

А вот приближается моя смерть!

А вот приближается моя смерть!

Она приползает совсем незаметно,

Подобно ужу,

Лишь шелест и звон вам покажут,

 что смерть не статична.

“Здесь оплачиваем!”



Lesya Bakun is a poet, translator, and NGO activist who resides in Ukraine.

She has been writing since childhood, in Ukrainian, Russian, and English. Her poems have been published in several anthologies: Levada (Ukraine), OpenDoor Magazine, Rockport Poetry Festival, Nightmare with a Twist!

(USA), Anthology of Contemporary World Poetry (Bangladesh), and international magazines, including Trouvaille Review (US), OpenDoor Magazine (US), and Borderless Journal (Singapore). Her poems have drawn praises from readers and spoken word artists from 30 countries, from the US, Australia, and Poland, to Mauritius, Indonesia, and Trinidad & Tobago. She has visited 22 countries, of which, she gave lectures in 7.

Since June 2020, acts as a writing, publishing, and digital marketing consultant. Has published 16 fiction stories in English on Amazon.

 For the last six months, she has been a co-organizer of the weekly Virtual Poetry Readings.

The themes she explores in her poems include societal issues, relationships, trauma, gender, and health.


The collection of Lesya's literature-related work in Ukrainian can be found in: https://linktr.ee/Chytanyky

Check out her English poems on her WhatsApp channel: https://bit.ly/3fq7rwB

Check out her communication tips on the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/LesyasHowTos