This is a numbered poem with an extraordinarily long title, about things that are plain.

1. This is a banana.

This banana is not special.

Its peel is yellow.

If you eat it, it tastes like a


2. This is a can.

This can does not contain whoop ass.

Its contents are Spaghetti-Os.

If it’s opened, you will see


3. This is a big ass door.

This door is made of wood.

Its wood is probably maple or some shit.

If you eat it, you are fucking


4. This is a fourth stanza.

This stanza has no rhymes.

It contains words.

If you read it, you’ll be

a real swell person

5. This is the joke of the poem.

This joke has been beaten to death.

It contains some irony or something.

If you read too much into it, my point


6. This poem is starting to drag on.

Should it have another stanza?

It would be funny.

If you want another stanza send me


7. Okay I gave you another stanza.

This is the end of it.

Now piss off.

Jon Cribb has been working the year as an Instructional Assistant at an elementary school. His educational background is in Creative Writing, where he focused on sentence structure and honing his writing skills. He has written several articles for the Salem Times Register. His biggest accomplishment was turning the Roanoke Review, a literary journal from his alma mater, into a fully online magazine. You can find his work in issue XIII of High Shelf Press.