This is Poetry

Why do we move so silently about, are we afraid of being seen

I like to dance with people watching, but act like noone’s watching

Alex will one day remember to turn the oven off

My kitchen counter is covered with plates from two days ago

I’m a bus stander, and I’m not ashamed

Why do cars feel so afraid of pedestrians, if I’m staring at you I know how to avoid being hit

I love climbing but hate the time it takes up, in fact I hate time in general

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood may be the greatest show ever

Can anyone listen to funk music and not be happy

I know I commented on our fear of standing out, but why is everyone so uncomfortable with silence

That concert was too short and dammit if you’re on a 20th anniversary tour play more than a two song encore

My sweat freezes after getting out of a concert, yet I always go to 7-11 for a Slurpee

Five dollar parking for the night, what a steal

E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES! In other news, it’s hard to do HW when your football team is killing it

Damn you GPS, don’t direct me with cardinal directions

Don’t take anything from friends personally, a true friend is not malicious

Liam Fisher is a graduate student pursuing his PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Colorado State University. In his free time he enjoys rock climbing and dancing at funk concerts. While Liam draws inspiration from all facets of life, his writing has been heavily influenced by his favorite song writer Paul Westerberg of The Replacements.