Lucien #1

Revelations are a kind of robbery.

The postcard was a picture of you throwing a chair.

β€œIt was raining outside !& so outside !& inside !&

everything !!! shapeshifted.”

Awhile back we tied white seashells to your hair, making

damn sure crests

of color were on

their way back.

Why be a great artist?

I remember you were starting to hate

space in

light loosening through straight blinds,

over the wall.

Looks like things have escalated,

& you figured out that

you have every right (!!!) to test how well

hard matter slits color flying

across the room.

Why be a somebody?

I love you the best because

your art is to shoot

everything that claims

to not

be you.

Jo O'Lone-Hahn is a writer and visual artist based in Las Vegas. She is a current MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She has been previously published in The Boston Hassle, Departure, The Reader, Fearsome Critters: The Quaranzine, WORKSHOP, and BAG Magazine. She is the Managing Editor of Interim: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry & Poetics.